From David Murray (creator of the chaplet of the Holy Family): A largely overlooked but very special Readers’ Group production is the “Chaplet of the Holy Family” – on a single audio CD and transcript booklet – and arranged like a rosary with five decades:
Man and Woman; The Soul of a Child; Wife and Mother; Husband and Father; and Redemption of the Family.
Most of the passages in this chaplet were taken from two previous Readers’ Group booklets: “Marriage and Family Life – With Jesus, Mary and Joseph” and “The Strength and Power of Woman”.
Some years ago this chaplet was prayed with a very special group – travelling by car in Canada. Its effect was extraordinary. Mary McBride – a Canadian – speaks of this experience:
“We were most excited with the CD of the Chaplet of the Holy Family and wish to share it. I also cannot understand why it does not sell so abundantly, but maybe the time for it is close at hand.”
The audio files of the chaplet are available below.
Chaplet of the Holy Family