Bishop John Venancio was the bishop of Fatima from 1954 to 1972, was a learned theologian who taught dogmatic theology at a pontifical university in Rome, and was the one who provided important evidence about the Third Secret of Fatima by holding the envelope of the Third Secret up to the light to observe how many lines of text and sheets of paper it was before handing it over to others, as described in this Fatima.org article. The famous John Haffert, who was the co-founder and former head of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima of 25 million members, in his booklet That Wonderful Poem! testifies to Bishop John Venancio’s support of Valtorta’s The Poem of the Man-God (now entitled The Gospel as Revealed to Me):
I happened to be in Rome with the Most Rev. John Venancio, the Bishop of Fatima, when he sought out a special bookstore to purchase the ten volumes of the Italian edition [of The Poem of the Man-God]. It had been recommended by a highly esteemed friend in Paris, the celebrated author-editor, Abbé André Richard.
Years later, after Bishop Venancio retired, whenever I visited him our conversation seemed to turn to the Poem. In his last years the Bishop read from it every day. He must have read all ten volumes over and over. I began to wonder what could be so special about it. The Bishop was widely read and had a sizable library. He had been a professor of dogmatic theology in Rome before becoming the Bishop of Fatima. Yet now, when he had ample time to read anything he wished, he seemed to spend all his time on this one book. [...]
Having struggled – like millions before me – with the mystery of the dual nature of Jesus, I said one day to Bishop Venancio, before I myself had begun to read the Poem: "Does it help you to understand Jesus at once as God and man?"
The holy bishop (and let it be remembered he was a learned theologian who had taught dogmatic theology at the university in Rome) seemed to be looking into the Divine Light, as he sighed: "Oh, more and more!"
Most who read the Poem will have this experience. They will discover Jesus. But how... except by those more than 3,000 pages... will they be able to tell others what He is really like?

Testimonies, statements, and documentation for every one of the above listed clerics and lay faithful are provided in A Summa and Encyclopedia to Maria Valtorta’s Extraordinary Work in the subchapter of the e-book entitled “Proof by the Testimony of Countless Trustworthy Clerics, Authorities, Experts, Scientists, and Pious Lay Faithful and the Tremendously Good Fruits Produced in Individuals and in the Church as a Whole”.