Giovanna Busolini's book The "Sudarium Christi" of Oviedo or the Veil of the Virgin Mary? is a remarkable book in so many ways.
A member of the Readers' Group has written a popular and widely distributed e-book entitled
Summa and Encyclopedia to Maria Valtorta's Extraordinary Work
(PDF, 11 MB, Last Updated: June 13, 2017). This e-book covers almost anything a reader could want to know about Maria Valtorta's
The Poem of the Man-God / The Gospel as Revealed to Me, including its importance, its history, its ecclesiastical status, how it
compares to other revelations, the proofs of its divine origin, its
critics and defences, and the supplementary resources available for use with it. You can download it at the link above.
Br. Richard A. Campa, CCL, created an index of Gospel passages, characters, and towns in The Gospel as Revealed to Me and The Poem of the Man-God. He has given the Maria Valtorta Readers' Group permission to post it on our website. You can download it here: Index of Gospel Passages, Characters, and Towns in The Gospel as Revealed to Me and The Poem of the Man-God
David Webster, M.Div., gave permission to the Maria Valtorta Readers' Group to host his Atlas of Palestine As It Was in the Time of Our Lord: The Compact Travel Guide to the Public Ministry of Jesus Christ According to Maria Valtorta's The Poem of the Man-God. You can download it here: Atlas of Palestine As It Was in the Time of Our Lord: The Compact Travel Guide to the Public Ministry of Jesus Christ According to Maria Valtorta's The Poem of the Man-God.
This atlas book has 19 maps of Judea, Galilee, Decapolis, Sea of Galilee, and Jerusalem with a complete index to all locations that are given in The Poem of the Man-God. In this atlas, the travels of Jesus are color-coded. This atlas book also has a complete index alongside each map with not only the geographic location, but also the date, chapter title, Poem reference (with volume, chapter, page number), and distance in miles from the previous location. You can use this information in the atlas to easily find the location of Jesus on a specific historic date or for a specific chapter in The Poem (it covers all dates and every Poem chapter). It also provides information on where Christ traveled in between chapters of The Poem and all the distances traveled, in miles, from the previous location. Since these 19 maps are close-ups of the big map of Palestine, it is easier to follow Christ's journey alongside the index rather than using the big single map of Palestine. David Webster breaks Christ's journeys up into 12 separate main ministry cycles (6 Galilean and 6 Judean), exactly as it occurred in The Poem. At the end of the atlas, he also provides a map of Jerusalem and the Temple in the time of Christ with places marked according to The Poem. This 19-map atlas is an invaluable tool if you want to follow Christ's journeys geographically.
After extensive research, Giovanna Busolini has published The "Sudarium Christi" of Oviedo or the Veil of the Virgin Mary? She has given the Maria Valtorta Readers’ Group permission to post it on our website. You can download it here: The "Sudarium Christi" of Oviedo or the Veil of the Virgin Mary?
Stephen Austin, a Maria Valtorta Readers' Group member, wrote the following introduction to this book:
There are many cutting-edge discoveries that are not only precious and meaningful, but discoveries of this importance and magnitude are such a rare event, that, when reading her book, I couldn’t help but think of the famous Scripture passage in the canonical Gospels where Jesus says, "I confess to Thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, because Thou have hid these things from the wise and prudent, and have revealed them to the little ones." (Matthew 11:25)
Indeed, it is so perfectly in keeping with the way that Providence works that God has chosen a faithful lay woman to discover these hidden discoveries of this relic rather than a scientist, a learned scholar, or even a cleric. It was similarly a faithful humble nun who was the first one to discover the amazing correspondence between the Veil of Manoppello and the Shroud of Turin when they are superimposed over each other (something Our Lord foretold to Valtorta in a dictation long before this discovery).
Giovanna's book covers the history of the "Sudarium" of Oviedo, what the expert scientists and researchers have so far uncovered about it, and an analysis of the current theories about the "Sudarium". She then covers the relevant details about the Passion and Resurrection that God revealed through His revelations to Maria Valtorta that shed light on the mystery of this relic.
This evidence suggests that this is indeed the Veil of the Virgin Mary. In comparing Valtorta's highly accurate account of what she witnessed to what we know about the scientific, visual, and historical properties of the "Sudarium" of Oviedo, we can see a complete consonance between the two. Not only is there consonance between Valtorta's revelations and the Veil of Oviedo, but Valtorta's revelations also foretell and show us hidden images in the Veil that the Blessed Virgin Mary herself saw and commented on, images that can only be explained by a supernatural act of Divine Providence. Valtorta's revelations also give us a history of the origin of this Veil, how it was formed, and to whom it belonged in the days following Jesus' Passion and Resurrection. Giovanna's studies present an excellent body of arguments and evidence that the "Sudarium" of Oviedo is indeed the Veil of the Virgin Mary and contains not only the Blood of the Son of God, but the blood and tears of His Holy Mother.
I encourage anyone interested in studying this sacred relic and the revelations of Maria Valtorta to read the research and amazing discoveries of Giovanna Busolini in this study. I believe Giovanna's book will go down in the annuls of history as a leading book not only about research into these aspects of Valtorta's revelations, but also the sacred relic of the Veil of Oviedo itself.
This is a 2015 e-book by David Murray, which has been awaiting publication by the Readers' Group for many years. For the download link and a listing of the chapters and subchapters, see: : Maria Valtorta's Writings & Scripture
Tradition holds that our Blessed Mother Mary visited the scenes of Our Lord's Passion, the Way of the Cross daily. Until 1462, people worked backwards when doing the stations beginning at the tomb. Originally, the number not only began with seven stations but these increased over time, and although they were fixed to 14 stations in 1731 by Pope Clement XII, the stations varied from one country to another, some were traditional and others were scriptural, and the numerical order itself differed.
These variations and the order in which many were numbered inspired Giovanna Busolini to assemble the Via Crucis - The Way of the Cross in a chronological order according to the way they are presented in the writings of Maria Valtorta.
With gospel-based references and inspiring images added, this booklet walks the Reader through Jesus' Way of the Cross in a clear and logical order. You can download this book here: Via Crucis or The Way of the Cross from the Writings of Maria Valtorta
The Maria Valtorta Readers' Group is pleased to offer an e-book titled The Eucharist, compiled by a humble and devoted reader who spent many months researching and gathering passages exclusively from the writings of Maria Valtorta. The aim of the compiler (a convert himself) is to allow Maria's writings to reveal and confirm the teaching about the true presence of Jesus, and to bring Catholics and Christians closer to the faith through the truth of this great mystery. This book is not a commentary, but a collection of passages for reflection, designed to foster growth in love, understanding, and truth. Access it here: The Eucharist