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This little 64-page pocket-book Rosary contains 200 brief passages – between each of the Hail Maries of the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries – from the writings of the 20th century mystic Maria Valtorta.
Included is the following commendation from Bishop Roman Danylak, formerly Canon of the Patriarchal Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome, and then living in Toronto, Canada:
“8th April 2005: “I welcome and commend this new pocket-book publication of Rosary meditations, selected from the Gospels and from the writings of Maria Valtorta, and dedicated to Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.”
[On 30 November 1998, Bishop Danylak granted his own Imprimatur for Maria Valtorta's spiritual writings in their original Italian, and in their English translations approved to that time by the present publishers.]
…I love the size, the quality of the cover, the paper - as it will resist wear and tear of continual daily handling. And the ribbon marker is the icing on the cake. Now spiritually, it is phenomenal. I used mine last evening and this morning and all I can say is that it has the quality spiritually to erase all time and space. It places one right there with Jesus and Mary, in their time and in their day, and unites our hearts and souls with them. Praying the Rosary will never be the same again, and will be a magnificent journey with each Hail Mary and with each decade and with each mystery!...
Ever so many thanks for this new Rosary booklet… The design and choice of easily legible print is good for people trying to pray in chapels and homes where lighting is not perfect. I will try to get the lady who buys books for our parish bookstall to order some. It will surely be a bestseller, and other parishes will in time hear about it. .Best wishes and thanks.
FR. TOM O'NEILL S.J., Singapore.
We found the "Praying the Rosary" booklet very beautiful. I would like to order one more copy of the booklet for my mother, who is enjoying all the books.You may be interested to know that we are Protestants (Pentecostals) who have been immensely blessed by the treasures of Maria Valtorta's writings… May the Lord use Maria's writings to bring about the unity of all Christians which He so desires.
MARTIN KOSHY, WA, Australia.
It is a marvellous book for praying the Rosary. I see that the passages are abridged from the Readers' Group's "Gospel Meditated Rosary." I think that this was done well, as this format will make it more regularly used.
Thanks for the beautiful 'Praying the Rosary' booklet. It is indeed a pocket book but contains treasure. It is a summary of the summary of the Valtorta work! This book is so attractive and it is a good tool to promote Valtorta books because it is easy to read before one is introduced to The Poem etc…
(And lastly, from Arizona, USA:) Having really prayed it, I can tell you that I've never felt closer to Jesus and Mary.
Cost: $Aust. 9.50 | Maria Valtorta Readers’ Group | To order, click here
E-mail: Catherine@valtorta.com.au