4th Edition - 12th October 2010
This augmented 186-page booklet has been for me, its compiler, a "labour of love". The inspiration to take an in-depth interest in The Poem began to surface in 1992. As I read The Poem, certain themes began to occur to me, and after 6 years of careful reading, indexing, Biblical research, cross-indexing, discussion and prayer - and amidst much excitement and joy - the first edition of this booklet slowly came into being. During its continuing development, it has proved to be a very useful resource: for me, in activities conducted on behalf of the Maria Valtorta Readers' Group, a mailing and e-mailing organisation of hundreds of members, and for others, both religious and laity alike, scattered over Australia and around the world.
David D. Murray
The PILGRIM'S GUIDE consists of two main sections:
The Indices Index (Section 1, pp. I-115)
The Scriptural Cross-Referencing (Section 2, pp. 116-176)
The Indices Section now has four parts:
• A list of towns and localities alphabetically and one tracing the sequential journeys by Jesus to places referred to in the 647 chapters of The Poem of the Man-God
• A chronological sequence of towns and localities tracing the sequential journeys by Jesus to places referred to in the 647 chapters of The Poem of the Man-God
• A chronological listing of the dates of Maria Valtorta's visions and dictations.
The Scriptural Cross-referencing has three parts:
Part 1 (pp. 116-123) matches significant Gospel events with their locations in The Poem, and gives separate lists of parables and miracles: those recorded in both the Gospels and The Poem, and those found only in The Poem.
Part 2 (pp. 124-154) cross-references approximately 7,000 passages from The Poem to their sources in both the Old and the New Testaments.
Part 3 (pp. 155-176) reverses this process, cross-referencing these passages from the Old and New Testaments back to The Poem. Primary Gospel verses in The Poem (actually witnessed and recorded by Maria Valtorta) are bolded and underlined. About 98.5% of the verses referring to particular events in the lives of Jesus and Mary have so far been located in The Poem, and are grouped for easy tracking of daily Mass readings.
The Pilgrim's Guide's augmented features also include:
• Instructions on how to best use the Guide
• A chapter about Maria Valtorta - her works and their fruits
• Keys to matching chapter and verse numbers of the Douay-Rheims Bible
• Passages on how The Poem relates to Scripture
A fold-out map of Palestine's towns and places (with English spelling) as in the days of Jesus comes with the Guide.
First of all I am touched. And I am sure many others will be, when they see this new Pilgrim's Guide and use it. It is not just an update, but a truly, all new, highly detailed, expanded and thoroughly researched guide, that completely covers all seen and perhaps many unseen or more hidden aspects of the Poem, which would have been otherwise, without this new guide, nearly impossible to find. The Chronological Sequence of Localities Index, and Dave Webster's Map of Palestine, add a holy and soul-warming depth, as it enables the reader to follow faithfully in Christ's footsteps, and to experience His entire journey in a dimension and perspective not before possible. The entire presentation of the new Guide is clear, precise, and a joy to use as a research tool and aid. And it is most definitely 'consumer friendly!'... I hope one day to see this work - World-wide!
Wishart, N.S.W.
May God be praised for... the NEW Pilgrim's Guide!... After reading testimonies concerning the value of the update, I knew I would have to get this edition as well. I am so thankful I did... It's great to be in touch with others who love the inspiring works of Maria Valtorta as much as I do.
Woodlands, W.A.
The third edition of the Pilgrim's Guide is so extensive and informative... I doubt it can get any better than this! I particularly like Fr. Dreyfus' quote on the back cover, I was just as excited, maybe even more, when I then discovered the wonderful map! You mentioned the map... but to actually see it is another thing. As my eyes gazed over it, I came across places I'd always wondered where they were located - such as Clear Water, Kerioth and Endor. For me, this has been the most wonderful thing since reading The Poem. I must comment on Tom Dube's paragraph on page 2 of the [June 2002] bulletin: "I realised long ago... as recorded by Valtorta..." In it Tom talks about the incredible perfection of Jesus, and describes this perfectly. Often when there was an awkward situation about to happen in The Poem, I would say to myself: "I wonder how Jesus is going to handle this one". Tom sure does get it right when he says: "His absolute perfection in handling all problems, decisions, advice, acts of charity, conversations and any other type of action is really superhuman"...
Homebush, N.S.W.
The Pilgrim's Guide is indeed a tremendous aid in finding biblical passages and personages or themes in The Poem, as well as valuable exegeses by Christ on particular biblical passages in the Old Testament. It would surely be invaluable to any priest or deacon in preparing homilies... A magnificent labor of love.
Kentucky, U.S.A.
The Pilgrim's Guide has made great use of space. It is packed with material, yet well set out, and perfectly legible. The pages open flat because of the ring binding, which is excellent... It is great to have all the references to particular persons whom I wish to follow up, e.g. the shepherds or apostles.
[The new Thematic Index] is really an outstanding compilation of material. It is very, very useful and detailed - obviously much improved over the older version. Many of the edits that I had previously penciled on the older version of the Guide were already incorporated into this new draft... [The overall] Pilgrim's Guide is really outstanding, and is so useful for all readers of the Poem. A common complaint I hear about the Poem is that it is too massive of a work, and too difficult to go back and find topics that you once read. The new Guide will certainly go a long way to reducing that hardship and help open the Poem for many readers...
Washington, U.S.A.
Cost: $Aust. 10.00 | Maria Valtorta Readers’ Group | To order, click here
E-mail: Catherine@valtorta.com.au