2nd Edition - 13th July 2010
This 138-page booklet is designed in a similar format to the Maria Valtorta Readers' Group's Where Is It? A Guide to Maria Valtorta's The Gospel as Revealed to Me and A Pilgrim's Guide to the Poem of the Man-God - which has been widely acclaimed as an essential reference resource by The Poem's devotees in many parts of the world.
Maria Valtorta wrote about 15,000 handwritten pages in 122 notebooks from 1943 to 1951. About 9,000 of those pages were published as The Gospel as Revealed to Me (formerly under the title The Poem of the Man-God) and the other approximately 6,000 pages were published as various other works. These other works of Maria Valtorta are all published by Centro Editoriale Valtortiano, Isola del Liri (FR) Italy, and are the following:
Maria Valtorta - Autobiography, hardcover, 442 pages, 1991.
Maria Valtorta - Notebooks: 1943, softcover, 626 pages, 1996 (reprinted in 2012).
Maria Valtorta - Notebooks: 1944, softcover, 648 pages, 1998.
Maria Valtorta - Notebooks: 1945-50, softcover, 621 pages, 2002.
Maria Valtorta - The Book of Azariah, hardcover, 334 pages, 1993.
Maria Valtorta - The Book of Azariah, reprinted, softcover, 348 pages, 2007.
Maria Valtorta - Lessons on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, softcover, 310 pages, 2007.
This Reader's Guide is a guide to these other works of Maria Valtorta outside of The Gospel as Revealed to Me / The Poem of the Man-God, which has its own separate guide (sold separately).
This Reader's Guide consists of two main sections:
The General Index (Section 1, pp. 7-53) has more than 800 themes and sub-themes.
The Scriptural Cross-Referencing (Section 2, pp. 55-103) has three parts:
Part 1 (pp. 55-57) lists the Gospel events and passages from other books of Scripture - most frequently referred to in the Books.
Part 2 (pp. 58-84) cross-references some 5,500 passages from the Books to their sources in both the Old and the New Testaments.
Part 3 (pp. 85-103) reverses this process, cross-referencing these passages from the Old and New Testaments back to the Books.
Five Appendixes (pp. 105-135) contain an index of referrals to significant extracts, completely quoted significant extracts from the Books based on themes, and indexes to other resources.
Some Initial Feedback
I was near the end of Volume 5 of The Poem, and wondered what on earth I was going to do when it finished - as I was not aware of all the other material. And then... Voila!
Kew Vic.,
Sincere thanks for the wonderful Index. It is so comprehensive and very necessary for me when I have to teach a special Sunday School subject.
Calgary AB,
Thank you for the latest "Reader's Guide..." Another great labour of love that will be a boon to any preacher seeking homiletic material! God bless this apostolate!
Trappist KY, USA
Cost: $Aust. 16.00 | Maria Valtorta Readers’ Group | To order, click here
E-mail: Catherine@valtorta.com.au