Mary Mother Redeemer and the Church


    Jesus says:  "The Human eye cannot stare at the sun, but it can look at the moon.  The soul's eye cannot stare at God's perfection as it is.  But it can look the perfection of Mary...  She is illuminated by Him, and reflects the light which has illuminated Her.

NOTEBOOKS 1943, p. 115.

     " (My Mother's) prayers lies the secret of the salvation of the world.  She, My Mother, is the Conqueress of the cursed Dragon.  Assist Her power by means of your renewed love for Her, and your renewed faith and knowledge of what pertains to Her.  Mary has given the Savior to the world.  The world will receive salvation again from Her.  


     "Always consider that Mary is the Mother of Pain, as I am the Master of Life.... She was alone, in the tremendous hour, to know the horror of solitude and to expiate your acts of desperation as creatures...  She was an abyss of hope... If you believe in Her always, you will never know the horror of despair..."  

NOTEBOOKS 1943, p. 311.

     Jesus says: "(There will be) those who, although they belong to the Holy Religion, will not be beatified, because they did not lead a holy life.  But a virtuous heathen, only because he lived according to choice virtue, convinced that his religion was good, will have Heaven at the end..."

     POEM OF THE MAN-GOD, Volume #4,  p. 167.

     In addition to the sources quoted above, this work also has excerpts from The Notebooks: 1944, The Notebooks: 1945-1950, The Book of Azariah, and Lessons on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, all written by Maria Valtorta.  


I’m getting great comfort from the “Mary...” book... Understanding Mary’s sufferings makes them so much more manageable to handle.                 

KAYE McLINDON, Hamilton Vic.

Thank you so much for the beautiful new book dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help – this is just gripping and amazing!


The “Mary...” book is beautiful. I read some passages for my mother’s prayer group, and they think it’s lovely. Some hadn’t heard of Maria Valtorta – maybe future readers?

JUNE FUERY, Wodonga, Vic.

I’ve been reading [this book] for the second time, and I find it a wonderful opportunity to increase my knowledge of Mary. It would be the best detailed summary of Her life that I have read, and it could only increase devotion to her.

JOHN LANDY, Red Hill, Canberra.

[The new “Mary...” book] brings back beautiful memories of The Poem, which you have gathered in one, single book... You have excelled in your effort to promote Our Lady’s role in our salvation history.                   




I agree that Our Lady's sorrows pierce the heart, as intended. I have heard many Protestants, who never really had a feeling for Mary, all say the most powerful feeling for them - after they saw the Passion movie - was with Mary and her grieving. They had just never thought about it.


The new “Mary...” book arrived this morning and I opened it immediately.  I am so very thrilled with it.  It is wonderful and I am well into it already.

PAMELA NASSUATO, Todi, Umbria, Italy.

What a beautiful venture to do a small book on Mary with The Poem writings.  I can only think of what an increase in devotion to Mary it will prompt.


June 1944 – D-Day during the war in Europe –Maria Valtorta received her vision of the Birth of Jesus. The very next day, a suffering Maria wrote the following:)

“...I am writing under Jesus' gaze... In the visions of Mary418 I do not mix in my poor self, for I already know I must go on describing her glories. Wasn't her motherhood a crown of glories at all times?

“I am very ill... but provided I can make Her known, so that she will be loved more, I do not count the cost. Do my shoulders ache? Does my heart yield? Is my head in agony? Does the fever grow? It doesn't matter! May Mary be known, entirely beautiful and dear, just as I see her out of God's goodness and hers, and that's enough for me.“

(Notebooks 1944, p. 347)]419


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