of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato, representing Pope Benedict XVI
Blessed Mother Maria Inés Teresa of the Most Blessed Sacrament is famous for founding the Congregation of Claretian Missionaries in 1945, which has grown to include 36 missionary houses in 14 countries. Before a crowd of 12,000 faithful, Mother Maria Inés Teresa of the Most Blessed Sacrament was beatified on April 21, 2012 at the famous Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato, S.D.B., who represented Pope Benedict XVI.1
The publisher of Maria Valtorta’s works, Dr. Emilio Pisani, relates in 2012 in Bollettino Valtortiano No. 83:2
From "Misioneras Clarisas of Santísimo Sacramento" we received an invitation to participate in the rite of beatification of their Founder, Mother María Inés Teresa. The celebration, presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato, SDB, Papal Delegate, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, is scheduled for April 21, 2012 in the famous Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City.
We personally met the new Blessed when she lived in Rome at the General House of the Missionaries of the Poor Clares, the religious institution founded by her. The kindness of her character is documented in a letter from Rome, May 22, 1978. This we quote verbatim:
Dear Mr. Emilio Pisani,
Thank you very much for the precious gift you have given to us: "The Notebooks of 1943" and "Lessons of the Epistle of Paul to the Romans", both of the writer Maria Valtorta.
I am very fond of reading "The Poem of the Man-God." It has really become one of the most beautiful sources of spiritual reading. For this reason, these writings are interesting as well as beautiful.
Thanks again, Mr. Pisani, for this precious gift that I have already begun to read. I usually work until one or two in the morning and then, before I fall asleep, I do my meditation in the quiet of the night and enjoy my books.
Best wishes to you and to your wife, and I await the day when – as you promised – you will accept my invitation to dine with us at our home.
María Inés-Teresa Arias,
Superior General
Missionary of the Poor Clares
The new Blessed was not only a reader of the Work of Maria Valtorta. Here is a letter (this time translated from Spanish) of July 19, 2001, which we received from one of her Religious:
Dear Mr. Emilio Pisani,
I am a Missionary of the Poor Clares, daughter of Mother Teresa María Inés-Teresa Arias, whom you knew and held in high esteem.
When it began to come out [the Spanish edition of The Poem of the Man-God], I, on behalf of Our Reverend Mother, made all the orders to provide the "Poem of the Man-God" to the 35 houses scattered around the world that had been founded by our Mother, because she liked them very much, and she also gave to bishops, priests, and people the four volumes from the series in Spanish and Italian.
I am now writing because the Mother Superior of Ireland is asking for Volume 5 in Spanish [...]. In all the other houses, we have the first 4 of the series but only some have the fifth [...].
I thank you, and ask you to forgive me for writing in Spanish (as I cannot write in Italian). Give my regards to your wife, Claudia.
Affectionately yours always,
Maria Gpe. Uranga L.
Missionary of the Poor Clares
On April 12, in Mexico City, the Pontifical Delegate Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, proclaimed Mexican Mother Maria Inés Teresa, founder of the Missionaries of the Poor Clares of the Blessed Sacrament, a Blessed.
We briefly talked about her on the fourth page of the previous edition number 83 [of the Bollettino Valtortiano], quoting a letter of 1978 that showed her warm friendship with Emilio and Claudia Pisani, where they had personally met in Rome. In that letter, she said that she hoped to have them one day for lunch at the General House of the Congregation that she had founded, and stated that she was "very fond of reading the work" of Maria Valtorta which had "become one of the most beautiful sources of spiritual reading".
The new Blessed was not only a reader, but also a propagator of Valtorta’s works. Here is a testimony, in a letter twenty years after her death, from a nun who had been her close collaborator: "when it began to come out [the Spanish edition of The Poem of the Man-God], I, on behalf of Our Reverend Mother, made all the orders to provide the 'Poem of the Man-God' to the 35 houses scattered around the world that had been founded by our Mother, because she liked them very much, and she also gave to bishops, priests, and people the four volumes from the series in Spanish and Italian."
Blessed Mother Maria Inés Teresa of the Most Blessed Sacrament is not the only beatified religious who has approved, endorsed, or praised Maria Valtorta's work.

Testimonies, statements, and documentation for every one of the above listed clerics and lay faithful are provided in A Summa and Encyclopedia to Maria Valtorta’s Extraordinary Work in the subchapter of the e-book entitled “Proof by the Testimony of Countless Trustworthy Clerics, Authorities, Experts, Scientists, and Pious Lay Faithful and the Tremendously Good Fruits Produced in Individuals and in the Church as a Whole”.
1. Mother Maria Inés Teresa Beatified in Mexico City. Zenit News Agency. April 23, 2012.
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2. Bollettino Valtortiano. January-June 2012. p. 4. Edizioni Pisani / Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl. Viale Piscicelli, 89/91, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italia.
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3. Bollettino Valtortiano. No. 84, July-December 2012. p. 1. Edizioni Pisani / Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl. Viale Piscicelli, 89/91, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italia.
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